Frequently asked Questions

  • What is the estimated size of awards?

  • What are the grant guidelines?

    Grant Guidelines

    Funds awarded shall include the installation of Sawyer filters in a community according to Sawyer’s Best Practices (see Appendix E of application) and use Sparrow Data Solutions’ GIS tracking to show the results of the work.

    The rest of the funds are for operational experiences.  Here’s a suggestion for your use of grant funds:

    (1) Sawyer Filters & Sparrow Data Solutions GIS Tracking (Up to 30%)

    (2) Operational Expenses (travel, stipends or allowances, supplies such as buckets, etc.) (Up to 70%)

  • How do I submit my grant proposal?

    Grant Proposal Submission

    Applications should be formatted in a single PDF document and submitted via email to  Include as the subject line of your email: “Sawyer Foundation Application”.